Source code for fbbotw

import json
import requests
import os

                "Define this var in your settings configuration "
                "or as environment variable.")

HEADER = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}

# Not using Django
        from django.conf import settings
    except ImportError:
        # Not using django
        raise ImportError(IMPORT_ERROR)
    except AttributeError:
        # Using django but did defined the config var PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN
        raise ImportError(IMPORT_ERROR)

GRAPH_URL = "{fbid}"


#           User Profile API                #

[docs]def get_user_information(fbid, extra_fields=[]): """ Gets user basic information: first_name, last_name, gender, profile_pic, locale, timezone :usage: >>> # Set the user fbid you want the information >>> fbid = "<user fbid>" >>> # Call the function passing the fbid of user. >>> user_information = fbbotw.get_user_information(fbid=fbid) :param str fbid: User id to get the information. :param list extra_fields: Extra fields that your app is allowed to \ request. eg. 'locale', 'timezone', 'gender' :return dict: >>> user_information = { "id": "user_id", "name": "User Full Name", "first_name": "User First Name", "last_name": "User Last Name", "profile_pic": "", } :facebook docs: `/user-profile <\ messenger-platform/user-profile>`_ """ user_info_url = GRAPH_URL.format(fbid=fbid) payload = dict() fields = [ 'name', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'profile_pic' ] + extra_fields payload['fields'] = ( ",".join(fields) ) payload['access_token'] = PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN user_info = requests.get(user_info_url, payload).json() return user_info
############################################# # Messenger Profile API # #############################################
[docs]def post_settings(greeting_text): """ Sets the **Get Started** Button and the **Greeting Text** at once. The payload for the **Get Started** Button will be `USER_START`. :usage: >>> # Create a default greeting text (160 chars limit) >>> greeting_text = "Hello! I'm your bot!" >>> responses = fbbotw.post_settings( greeting_text=greeting_text ) :param str greeting_text: Desired Greeting Text (160 chars). :return: tuple with two `Response object <http://docs.python-requests.\ org/en/master/api/#requests.Response>`_ for the greeting \ text and start button. """ # Set the greeting texts url = THREAD_SETTINGS_URL.format(access_token=PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN) txtpayload = dict() txtpayload['setting_type'] = 'greeting' txtpayload['greeting'] = {'text': greeting_text} data = json.dumps(txtpayload) greeting_text_status = url, headers=HEADER, data=data ) # Set the start button url = MESSENGER_PROFILE_URL.format(access_token=PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN) btpayload = dict() btpayload['get_started'] = {'payload': 'USER_START'} data = json.dumps(btpayload) get_started_button_status = url, headers=HEADER, data=data ) return greeting_text_status, get_started_button_status
[docs]def post_greeting_text(greeting_texts): """Sets an array of greetings texts *(Only default required)* - `See suported locales <\ essenger-platform/messenger-profile/supported-locales>`_ - `See Personalization <\ messenger-platform/messenger-profile/\ greeting-text#personalization>`_ :usage: >>> # Define the greeting texts you want >>> list_greeting_texts = [ { "locale": "default", "text": "Hello, {{user_first_name}}! I'm a bpt" }, ] >>> # Call the function to set the greeting text >>> response = fbbotw.post_greeting_text( greeting_texts=list_greeting_texts ) :param list greeting_texts: format : >>> list_greeting_texts = [ { "locale": "default", "text": "Hello, {{user_first_name}}!" # (160 chars) }, { "locale": "pt_BR", "text": "Texto de Greeting em Portugues" # (160 chars) }, { "locale": "en_US", "text": "Greeting text in English USA" # (160 chars) } ] :return: `Response object <\ master/api/#requests.Response>`_ :facebook docs: `/greeting-text <\ messenger-platform/messenger-profile/greeting-text>`_ """ url = MESSENGER_PROFILE_URL.format(access_token=PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN) payload = dict() payload['greeting'] = greeting_texts data = json.dumps(payload) status = url, headers=HEADER, data=data ) return status
[docs]def post_start_button(payload='START'): """ Sets the **Get Started button**. :usage: >>> payload = 'GET_STARTED' >>> response = fbbotw.post_start_button(payload=payload) :param str payload: Desired postback payload (Default 'START'). :return: `Response object <\ master/api/#requests.Response>`_ :facebook docs: `/get-started-button <https://developers.facebook\ .com/docs/messenger-platform/messenger-profile/get-started-button>`_ """ url = MESSENGER_PROFILE_URL.format(access_token=PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN) payload_data = dict() payload_data['get_started'] = {'payload': payload} data = json.dumps(payload_data) status =, headers=HEADER, data=data) return status
[docs]def post_persistent_menu(persistent_menu): """ Sets persistent menus on the messenger chat view. :usage: >>> # Define you persistent menu dict >>> # See the fb docs for better reference on building it >>> persistent_menu = [ { "composer_input_disabled": False, "locale": "default", "call_to_actions": [ { "type": "nested", "title": "First Option", "call_to_actions": [ { "type": "postback", "title": "First Option of First Option", "payload": "YOUR_PAYLOAD" }, }, { "type": "postback", "title": "Second Option", "payload": "YOUR_PAYLOAD4" }, ] } ] >>> # Set the menu calling the api >>> response = fbbotw.post_persistent_menu( persistent_menu=persistent_menu ) :param list persistent_menu: format: >>> persistent_menu = [ { "composer_input_disabled": False, "locale": "default", "call_to_actions": [ { "type": "nested", "title": "First Option", "call_to_actions": [ { "type": "postback", "title": "First Option of First Option", "payload": "YOUR_PAYLOAD" }, { "type": "nested", "title": "Second Option of First Option", "call_to_actions": [ { "type": "postback", "title": "ABC", "payload": "YOUR_PAYLOAD2" }, { "type": "postback", "title": "CDE", "payload": "YOUR_PAYLOAD3" } ] }, ] }, { "type": "postback", "title": "Second Option", "payload": "YOUR_PAYLOAD4" }, ] } ] :return: `Response object <\ master/api/#requests.Response>`_ :facebook docs: `/persistent-menu <https://developers.facebook.\ com/docs/messenger-platform/messenger-profile/persistent-menu>`_ """ url = MESSENGER_PROFILE_URL.format(access_token=PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN) payload = dict() payload["persistent_menu"] = persistent_menu data = json.dumps(payload) status =, headers=HEADER, data=data) return status
[docs]def post_domain_whitelist(whitelisted_domains): """ Sets the whistelisted domains for the Messenger Extension :usage: >>> # Define the array of domains to be whitelisted (Max 10) >>> whistelisted_domains = [ "", "" ] >>> fbbotw.post_domain_whitelist( whitelisted_domains=whitelisted_domains ) :param list whitelisted_domains: Domains to be whitelisted (Max 10). :return: `Response object <\ master/api/#requests.Response>`_ :facebook docs: `/domain-whitelisting <https://developers.facebook.\ com/docs/messenger-platform/messenger-profile/domain-whitelisting>`_ """ url = MESSENGER_PROFILE_URL.format(access_token=PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN) payload = dict() payload['whitelisted_domains'] = whitelisted_domains data = json.dumps(payload) status =, headers=HEADER, data=data) return status
[docs]def delete_domain_whitelist(): """ Deletes the domain whitelist set previously . :usage: >>> response = fbbotw.delete_domain_whitelist() :return: `Response object <\ master/api/#requests.Response>`_ :facebook docs: `/domain-whitelisting#delete <https://developers.facebook.\ com/docs/messenger-platform/messenger-profile/domain-whitelisting#delete>`_ """ url = MESSENGER_PROFILE_URL.format(access_token=PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN) payload = dict() payload['fields'] = ["whitelisted_domains"] data = json.dumps(payload) status = requests.delete(url, headers=HEADER, data=data) return status
[docs]def post_account_linking_url(account_linking_url): """ Sets the **liking_url** to connect the user with your business login :usage: >>> my_callback_linking_url = "" >>> response = fbbotw.post_account_linking_url( account_linking_url=my_callback_linking_url ) :param str account_linking_url: URL to the account linking OAuth flow. :return: `Response object <\ master/api/#requests.Response>`_ :facebook docs: `/account-linking-url <https://developers.facebook.\ com/docs/messenger-platform/messenger-profile/account-linking-url>`_ """ url = MESSENGER_PROFILE_URL.format(access_token=PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN) payload = dict() payload['account_linking_url'] = account_linking_url data = json.dumps(payload) status =, headers=HEADER, data=data) return status
[docs]def post_payment_settings(privacy_url='', public_key='', test_users=None): """ Sets the configuration for payment: privacy policy url, public key or test users. At least one parameter should be passed in this function. :param str privacy_url: The payment_privacy_url will appear in \ our payment dialogs. :param str public_key: The payment_public_key is used to encrypt \ sensitive payment data sent to you. (Read payment reference on the \ docs) :param list test_users: You can add payment test users \ (user page-scoped id) so that their credit card won't be \ charged during your development. :return: `Response object <\ master/api/#requests.Response>`_ :facebook docs: `/payment-settings <https://developers.facebook.\ com/docs/messenger-platform/messenger-profile/payment-settings>`_ """ if any([privacy_url.strip(), public_key.strip(), test_users]): url = MESSENGER_PROFILE_URL.format(access_token=PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN) payload = {"payment_settings": {}} if bool(privacy_url.strip()): payload['payment_settings']['privacy_url'] = privacy_url if bool(public_key.strip()): payload['payment_settings']['public_key'] = public_key if bool(test_users): payload['payment_settings']['testers'] = test_users data = json.dumps(payload) status =, headers=HEADER, data=data) return status return {"Error": "At least one parameter should be set"}
[docs]def post_target_audience(countries, audience_type="all"): """ Set the audience who will see your bot in the Discover tab \ on Messenger. :usage: >>> # If you will set the audience to specific contries >>> # The audience_type param should be set to 'custom' >>> audience_type = "custom" >>> countries = { "whitelist": ["US", "UK", "CA", "BR"] } >>> response = fbbotw.post_target_audience( countries=countries, audience_type=audience_type ) :param dict countries: Country object with whitelist/blacklist. Needs\ to be specified only when audience_type is 'custom'. Countries should \ be in list of ISO 3166 Alpha-2 codes. format: >>> countries = { "whitelist": ["US", "BR"] "blacklist": [] } :param str audience_type: ("all", "custom", "none"). Default: "all" :return: `Response object <\ master/api/#requests.Response>`_ :facebook docs: `/target-audience <https://developers.facebook.\ com/docs/messenger-platform/messenger-profile/target-audience>`_ """ url = MESSENGER_PROFILE_URL.format(access_token=PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN) payload = {"target_audience": {}} payload["target_audience"]["audience_type"] = audience_type if audience_type in ['custom', 'none']: payload["target_audience"]["countries"] = countries data = json.dumps(payload) status =, headers=HEADER, data=data) return status
[docs]def post_chat_extension_home_url( url, webview_share_button="hide", in_test=True): """ Sets the url field enabling a Chat Extension in the composer \ drawer in Messenger. :param str url: The URL to be invoked from drawer. :param str webview_share_button: Controls whether the share button in \ the webview is enabled. (Set to "show" or "hide") :param bool in_test: Controls whether public users (not assigned to the \ bot or its Facebook page) can see the Chat Extension. :return: `Response object <\ master/api/#requests.Response>`_ :facebook docs: `/home-url <https://developers.facebook.\ com/docs/messenger-platform/messenger-profile/home-url>`_ """ endpoint = MESSENGER_PROFILE_URL.format(access_token=PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN) payload = {"home_url": {}} payload["home_url"]["url"] = url payload["home_url"]["webview_height_ratio"] = "tall" payload["home_url"]["webview_share_button"] = webview_share_button payload["home_url"]["in_test"] = in_test data = json.dumps(payload) status =, headers=HEADER, data=data) return status
############################################# # Send Api Functions # ############################################# # Send API Sender Actions
[docs]def post_sender_action(fbid, sender_action): """ Displays/Hides the typing gif or shows mark seen on facebook chat with user. :usage: >>> # Set the user you want to show action >>> fbid = "<user page scoped id>" >>> # To show the typing animation >>> fbbotw.post_sender_action( fbid=fbid, sender_action="typing_on" ) >>> # To stop typing (Stops automatically after 20s) >>> fbbotw.post_sender_action( fbid=fbid, sender_action="typing_off" ) >>> # To mark as seen >>> fbbotw.post_sender_action( fbid=fbid, sender_action="mark_seen" ) :param str fbid: User id to display action. :param str sender_action: `typing_off/typing_on/mark_seen`. :return: `Response object <\ master/api/#requests.Response>`_ :facebook docs: `/sender-actions <https://developers.facebook.\ com/docs/messenger-platform/send-api-reference/sender-actions>`_ """ url = MESSAGES_URL.format(access_token=PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN) payload = dict() payload['recipient'] = {'id': fbid} payload['sender_action'] = sender_action data = json.dumps(payload) status =, headers=HEADER, data=data) return status
# Send API Content Type
[docs]def post_text_message(fbid, message, messaging_type="RESPONSE", tag=None): """ Sends a common text message to the specified user. :usage: >>> # Set the user fbid and the message you want to send. >>> fbid = "<user page scoped id>" >>> text = "Hi. How are you doing today?" >>> # Send the message to the user >>> response = fbbotw.post_text_message( fbid=fbid, message=text ) :param str fbid: User id to send the text. :param str message: Text to be displayed for the user \ (640 chars limit). :param str messaging_type: Identifies the message type from: RESPONSE,\ UPDATE AND MESSAGE_TAG (Default: RESPONSE, if MESSAGE_TAG, tag param \ is required) :param str tag: Tag classifying the message, must be one of the \ following `tags <\ platform/send-messages/message-tags#supported_tags>`_ :return: `Response object <\ master/api/#requests.Response>`_ :facebook docs: `/text-message <https://developers.facebook.\ com/docs/messenger-platform/send-api-reference/text-message>`_ """ url = MESSAGES_URL.format(access_token=PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN) payload = dict() payload['messaging_type'] = messaging_type if bool(tag) or messaging_type == "MESSAGE_TAG": payload['tag'] = tag payload['recipient'] = {'id': fbid} payload['message'] = {'text': message} data = json.dumps(payload) status =, headers=HEADER, data=data) return status
[docs]def post_text_list(fbid, messages=None, messaging_type="RESPONSE", tag=None): """ Sends a serie of messages from a list of texts. The messages will be sent in the same order as the list items. :usage: >>> # Set the user fbid and the list of texts to send. >>> fbid = "<user page scoped id>" >>> texts = [ "Hi, Todays forecast is:", "Morning: Sunny - 27C", "Afternoon: Sunny - 25C", "Night: Cloudy - 18C" ] >>> response = fbbotw.post_text_list( fbid=fbid, messages=texts ) :param str fbid: User id to send the text list. :param list messages: A list of messages to be sent. :param str messaging_type: Identifies the message type from: RESPONSE,\ UPDATE AND MESSAGE_TAG (Default: RESPONSE, if MESSAGE_TAG, tag param \ is required) :param str tag: Tag classifying the message, must be one of the \ following `tags <\ platform/send-messages/message-tags#supported_tags>`_ :return: A list of `Response objects <http://docs.python-\>`_\ for every message sent. """ responses = [] for msg in messages: responses.append( post_text_message( fbid=fbid, message=msg, messaging_type=messaging_type, tag=tag ) ) return responses
def post_attachment(fbid, media_url, file_type, is_reusable=False, messaging_type="RESPONSE", tag=None): """ Sends a media attachment to the specified user :param str fbid: User id to send the audio. :param str media_url: Url of a hosted media. :param str file_type: 'image'/'audio'/'video'/'file'. :param bool is_reusable: Defines the attachment to be resusable, \ the response will have an attachment_id that can be used to \ re-send the attachment without need to upload it again. (You can \ use the post_reusable_attachment method to upload using the id). :param str messaging_type: Identifies the message type from: RESPONSE,\ UPDATE AND MESSAGE_TAG (Default: RESPONSE, if MESSAGE_TAG, tag param \ is required) :param str tag: Tag classifying the message, must be one of the \ following `tags <\ platform/send-messages/message-tags#supported_tags>`_ :return: `Response object <\ master/api/#requests.Response>`_ :facebook docs: `/contenttypes <https://developers.facebook.\ com/docs/messenger-platform/send-api-reference/contenttypes>`_ """ url = MESSAGES_URL.format(access_token=PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN) payload = dict() payload['recipient'] = {'id': fbid} payload['messaging_type'] = messaging_type if bool(tag) or messaging_type == "MESSAGE_TAG": payload['tag'] = tag attachment_payload = dict() attachment_payload['url'] = media_url if is_reusable: attachment_payload['is_reusable'] = is_reusable attachment = {"type": file_type, "payload": attachment_payload} payload['message'] = {"attachment": attachment} data = json.dumps(payload) status =, headers=HEADER, data=data) return status
[docs]def upload_reusable_attachment(media_url, file_type): """ Uploads an attachment to be used later. You can optimize \ sending multimedia by reusing attachments.\ If you're sending the same attachments repeatedly, you should \ consider reusing them. Attachment reuse works with sending \ images, audio clips, videos and files. :usage: >>> # Set the url for the hosted media >>> media_url = "" >>> # Call the upload function. The response contains >>> # an id that should be stored. This id is the reference >>> # to send the same attachment in the future. >>> response = fbbotw.upload_reusable_attachment( media_url=media_url, file_type="image" # Always specify the file type ) >>> # to get the attachment id, call the .json() function on >>> # the response object and get it on the returned dict. >>> attachment_id = response.json()['attachment_id'] >>> # Store the attachment id to use later (You can >>> # use fbbotw.post_reusable_attachment to send it) :param str media_url: Url of a hosted media. :param str file_type: 'image'/'audio'/'video'/'file'. :return: `Response object <\ master/api/#requests.Response>`_ (Contains the attachment id \ to be used in `fbbotw.post_reusable_attachment`). :facebook docs: `/send-api-reference#attachment_reuse <https://\\ rence#attachment_reuse>`_ """ url = MESSAGES_ATTACHMENT_URL.format(access_token=PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN) payload = dict() attachment_payload = dict() attachment_payload['url'] = media_url attachment_payload['is_reusable'] = True attachment = {"type": file_type, "payload": attachment_payload} payload['message'] = {"attachment": attachment} data = json.dumps(payload) status =, headers=HEADER, data=data) return status
[docs]def post_reusable_attachment(fbid, attachment_id, file_type, messaging_type="RESPONSE", tag=None): """ Sends a reusable attachment based on the attachment\ id to the specified user. :usage: >>> # Set the fbid of user you want to send the attachment >>> fbid = "<user page scoped id>" >>> # Retrive the attachment_id >>> attachment_id = "<reusable attachment id>" >>> # Call the function to send the attachment to the user >>> response = fbbotw.post_reusable_attachment( fbid=fbid, attachment_id=attachment_id, file_type="video" ) :param str fbid: User id to send the attachment. :param str attachment_id: Id of file you got when sent the \ attachment with the is_reusable flag as True or uploaded it using \ fbbotw.upload_reusable_attachment. :param str file_type: 'image'/'audio'/'video'/'file'. :param str messaging_type: Identifies the message type from: RESPONSE,\ UPDATE AND MESSAGE_TAG (Default: RESPONSE, if MESSAGE_TAG, tag param \ is required) :param str tag: Tag classifying the message, must be one of the \ following `tags <\ platform/send-messages/message-tags#supported_tags>`_ :return: `Response object <\ master/api/#requests.Response>`_ :facebook docs: `/send-api-reference#attachment_reuse <https://\\ rence#attachment_reuse>`_ """ url = MESSAGES_URL.format(access_token=PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN) payload = dict() payload['recipient'] = {'id': fbid} payload['messaging_type'] = messaging_type if bool(tag) or messaging_type == "MESSAGE_TAG": payload['tag'] = tag attachment = { "type": file_type, "payload": {"attachment_id": attachment_id} } payload['message'] = {"attachment": attachment} data = json.dumps(payload) status =, headers=HEADER, data=data) return status
[docs]def post_audio_attachment(fbid, audio_url, is_reusable=False, messaging_type="RESPONSE", tag=None): """ Sends an audio attachment :usage: >>> # Set the fbid of user you want to send the attachment >>> fbid = "<user page scoped id>" >>> # Set the url for the hosted audio >>> audio_url = "http://fbbotw.master/media/turdus.ogg" >>> # Send the audio >>> response = fbbotw.post_audio_attachment( fbid=fbid, audio_url=audio_url ) >>> # If you want to make this attachment reusable, send >>> # a third parameter as is_reusable=True and the response >>> # object will have the attachment id to be used later. :param str fbid: User id to send the audio. :param str audio_url: Url of a hosted audio (10 Mb). :param bool is_reusable: Defines the attachment to be resusable, \ the response will have an attachment_id that can be used to \ re-send the attachment without need to upload it again. (You can \ use the post_reusable_attachment method to upload using the id). :param str messaging_type: Identifies the message type from: RESPONSE,\ UPDATE AND MESSAGE_TAG (Default: RESPONSE, if MESSAGE_TAG, tag param \ is required) :param str tag: Tag classifying the message, must be one of the \ following `tags <\ platform/send-messages/message-tags#supported_tags>`_ :return: `Response object <\ master/api/#requests.Response>`_ :facebook docs: `/audio-attachment <https://\\ /audio-attachment>`_ """ return post_attachment( fbid=fbid, media_url=audio_url, file_type='audio', is_reusable=is_reusable, messaging_type=messaging_type, tag=tag )
[docs]def post_file_attachment(fbid, file_url, is_reusable=False, messaging_type="RESPONSE", tag=None): """ Sends a file attachment :usage: >>> # Set the fbid of user you want to send the attachment >>> fbid = "<user page scoped id>" >>> # Set the url for the hosted file >>> file_url = "http://fbbotw.master/media/fbbotw.pdf" >>> # Send the file >>> response = fbbotw.post_file_attachment( fbid=fbid, file_url=file_url ) >>> # If you want to make this attachment reusable, send >>> # a third parameter as is_reusable=True and the response >>> # object will have the attachment id to be used later. :param str fbid: User id to send the file. :param str file_url: Url of a hosted file (10 Mb). :param bool is_reusable: Defines the attachment to be resusable, \ the response will have an attachment_id that can be used to \ re-send the attachment without need to upload it again. (You can \ use the post_reusable_attachment method to upload using the id). :param str messaging_type: Identifies the message type from: RESPONSE,\ UPDATE AND MESSAGE_TAG (Default: RESPONSE, if MESSAGE_TAG, tag param \ is required) :param str tag: Tag classifying the message, must be one of the \ following `tags <\ platform/send-messages/message-tags#supported_tags>`_ :return: `Response object <\ master/api/#requests.Response>`_ :facebook docs: `/file-attachment <https://\\ /file-attachment>`_ """ return post_attachment( fbid=fbid, media_url=file_url, file_type='file', is_reusable=is_reusable, messaging_type=messaging_type, tag=tag )
[docs]def post_image_attachment(fbid, img_url, is_reusable=False, messaging_type="RESPONSE", tag=None): """ Sends an image attachment :usage: >>> # Set the fbid of user you want to send the attachment >>> fbid = "<user page scoped id>" >>> # Set the url for the hosted image >>> img_url = "" >>> # Send the image >>> response = fbbotw.post_image_attachment( fbid=fbid, img_url=img_url ) >>> # If you want to make this attachment reusable, send >>> # a third parameter as is_reusable=True and the response >>> # object will have the attachment id to be used later. :param str fbid: User id to send the image. :param str img_url: Url of a hosted image (jpg, png, gif). :param bool is_reusable: Defines the attachment to be resusable, \ the response will have an attachment_id that can be used to \ re-send the attachment without need to upload it again. (You can \ use the post_reusable_attachment method to upload using the id). :param str messaging_type: Identifies the message type from: RESPONSE,\ UPDATE AND MESSAGE_TAG (Default: RESPONSE, if MESSAGE_TAG, tag param \ is required) :param str tag: Tag classifying the message, must be one of the \ following `tags <\ platform/send-messages/message-tags#supported_tags>`_ :return: `Response object <\ master/api/#requests.Response>`_ :facebook docs: `/image-attachment <https://\\ /image-attachment>`_ """ return post_attachment( fbid=fbid, media_url=img_url, file_type='image', is_reusable=is_reusable, messaging_type=messaging_type, tag=tag )
[docs]def post_video_attachment(fbid, video_url, is_reusable=False, messaging_type="RESPONSE", tag=None): """ Sends a video attachment :usage: >>> # Set the fbid of user you want to send the attachment >>> fbid = "<user page scoped id>" >>> # Set the url for the hosted video >>> video_url = "http://fbbotw.master/media/fbbotw_drop.mp4" >>> # Send the video >>> response = fbbotw.post_video_attachment( fbid=fbid, video_url=video_url ) >>> # If you want to make this attachment reusable, send >>> # a third parameter as is_reusable=True and the response >>> # object will have the attachment id to be used later. :param str fbid: User id to send the file. :param str fbid: User id to send the video. :param str video_url: Url of a hosted video. :param bool is_reusable: Defines the attachment to be resusable, \ the response will have an attachment_id that can be used to \ re-send the attachment without need to upload it again. (You can \ use the post_reusable_attachment method to upload using the id). :param str messaging_type: Identifies the message type from: RESPONSE,\ UPDATE AND MESSAGE_TAG (Default: RESPONSE, if MESSAGE_TAG, tag param \ is required) :param str tag: Tag classifying the message, must be one of the \ following `tags <\ platform/send-messages/message-tags#supported_tags>`_ :return: `Response object <\ master/api/#requests.Response>`_ :facebook docs: `/video-attachment <https://\\ /video-attachment>`_ """ return post_attachment( fbid=fbid, media_url=video_url, file_type='video', is_reusable=is_reusable, messaging_type=messaging_type, tag=tag )
# Send API Quick Replies
[docs]def post_text_w_quickreplies(fbid, message, quick_replies, messaging_type="RESPONSE", tag=None): """ Send text with quick replies buttons :usage: >>> # Set the user id and the message to send >>> fbid = "<user page scoped id>" >>> message = "Hi! Do you want to know today's forecast?" >>> # Set the quick replies list to be sent >>> quick_replies = [ { "content_type": "text", "title": "Yes!", "payload": "SEND_FORECAST" }, { "content_type": "text", "title": "Nope", "payload": "USER_SAY_NOT" } ] >>> # Send the message with the quick_replies >>> response = fbbotw.post_text_w_quickreplies( fbid=fbid, message=message, quick_replies=quick_replies ) :param str fbid: User id to send the quick replies menu. :param str message: message to be displayed with the quick replies. :param list quick_replies: (Max 11) format : >>> quick_replies = [ { "content_type": "text", "title": "Yes!", "payload": "USER_SAY_YES" }, { "content_type": "text", "title": "Nope", "payload": "USER_SAY_NOT" }, { "content_type": "location", }, { "content_type": "text", "title": "Red", "payload": "DEVELOPER_DEFINED_PAYLOAD_FOR_PICKING_RED", "image_url": "" }, ] >>> # See all the fields for the quick reply object in the docs: >>> # /docs/messenger-platform/send-api-reference/quick-replies :param str messaging_type: Identifies the message type from: RESPONSE,\ UPDATE AND MESSAGE_TAG (Default: RESPONSE, if MESSAGE_TAG, tag param \ is required) :param str tag: Tag classifying the message, must be one of the \ following `tags <\ platform/send-messages/message-tags#supported_tags>`_ :return: `Response object <\ master/api/#requests.Response>`_ :facebook docs: `/quick-replies <https://developers.facebook\ .com/docs/messenger-platform/send-api-reference/quick-replies>`_ """ url = MESSAGES_URL.format(access_token=PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN) payload = dict() payload["recipient"] = {"id": fbid} payload['messaging_type'] = messaging_type if bool(tag) or messaging_type == "MESSAGE_TAG": payload['tag'] = tag payload["message"] = {"text": message, "quick_replies": quick_replies} data = json.dumps(payload) status =, headers=HEADER, data=data) return status
[docs]def post_image_w_quickreplies(fbid, image_url, quick_replies, messaging_type="RESPONSE", tag=None): """ Sends an image with quick replies menu :usage: >>> # Set the user id and the hosted image to send >>> fbid = "<user page scoped id>" >>> image_url = "" >>> # Set the quick replies list to be sent >>> quick_replies = [ { "content_type": "text", "title": "I'm a dog person", "payload": "USER_DISLIKES" }, { "content_type": "text", "title": "This is a noice cat!", "payload": "USER_LIKES" } ] >>> # Send the image with the quick_replies >>> response = fbbotw.post_image_w_quickreplies( fbid=fbid, image_url=image_url, quick_replies=quick_replies ) :param str fbid: User id to send the quick replies menu. :param str image_url: image to be displayed with the quick-replies. :param list quick_replies: (Max 11) format : >>> quick_replies = [ { "content_type": "text", "title": "Yes!", "payload": "USER_SAY_YES" }, { "content_type": "text", "title": "Nope", "payload": "USER_SAY_NOT" }, { "content_type": "location", }, { "content_type": "text", "title": "Red", "payload": "DEVELOPER_DEFINED_PAYLOAD_FOR_PICKING_RED", "image_url": "" }, ] >>> # See all the fields for the quick reply object in the docs: >>> # /docs/messenger-platform/send-api-reference/quick-replies :param str messaging_type: Identifies the message type from: RESPONSE,\ UPDATE AND MESSAGE_TAG (Default: RESPONSE, if MESSAGE_TAG, tag param \ is required) :param str tag: Tag classifying the message, must be one of the \ following `tags <\ platform/send-messages/message-tags#supported_tags>`_ :return: `Response object <\ master/api/#requests.Response>`_ :facebook docs: `/quick-replies <https://developers.facebook\ .com/docs/messenger-platform/send-api-reference/quick-replies>`_ """ url = MESSAGES_URL.format(access_token=PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN) payload = dict() payload["recipient"] = {"id": fbid} payload['messaging_type'] = messaging_type if bool(tag) or messaging_type == "MESSAGE_TAG": payload['tag'] = tag attachment = dict() attachment['type'] = 'image' attachment['payload'] = {"url": image_url} payload["message"] = { "attachment": attachment, "quick_replies": quick_replies } data = json.dumps(payload) status =, headers=HEADER, data=data) return status
[docs]def post_template_w_quickreplies(fbid, payload, quick_replies, messaging_type="RESPONSE", tag=None): """ Sends a template with quick replies buttons :usage: >>> # Set the user id and the template playload to send >>> fbid = "<user page scoped id>" >>> # This is a generic template payload dict >>> payload = { "template_type": "generic", "elements": [ { "title": "Welcome to Peter\'s Hats", "image_url": "", "subtitle": "We've got the right hat for everyone.", } ] } >>> # Set the quick replies list to be sent >>> quick_replies = [ { "content_type": "text", "title": "Payment options", "payload": "PAYMENT_OPTIONS" }, { "content_type": "text", "title": "See hat options", "payload": "SEND_CATALOGUE" } ] >>> # Send the template with the quick_replies >>> response = fbbotw.post_template_w_quickreplies( fbid=fbid, payload=payload, quick_replies=quick_replies ) :param str fbid: User id to send the quick replies menu. :param dict payload: template playload dict. See the \ payload `field <\ messenger-platform/send-api-reference/templates>`_ for \ every template type. :param list quick_replies: (Max 11) format : >>> quick_replies = [ { "content_type": "text", "title": "Yes!", "payload": "USER_SAY_YES" }, { "content_type": "text", "title": "Nope", "payload": "USER_SAY_NOT" }, { "content_type": "location", }, { "content_type": "text", "title": "Red", "payload": "DEVELOPER_DEFINED_PAYLOAD_FOR_PICKING_RED", "image_url": "" }, ] >>> # See all the fields for the quick reply object in the docs: >>> # /docs/messenger-platform/send-api-reference/quick-replies :param str messaging_type: Identifies the message type from: RESPONSE,\ UPDATE AND MESSAGE_TAG (Default: RESPONSE, if MESSAGE_TAG, tag param \ is required) :param str tag: Tag classifying the message, must be one of the \ following `tags <\ platform/send-messages/message-tags#supported_tags>`_ :return: `Response object <\ master/api/#requests.Response>`_ :facebook docs: `/quick-replies <https://developers.facebook\ .com/docs/messenger-platform/send-api-reference/quick-replies>`_ """ url = MESSAGES_URL.format(access_token=PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN) request_payload = dict() request_payload["recipient"] = {"id": fbid} request_payload['messaging_type'] = messaging_type if bool(tag) or messaging_type == "MESSAGE_TAG": request_payload['tag'] = tag attachment = dict() attachment['type'] = 'template' attachment['payload'] = payload request_payload["message"] = { "attachment": attachment, "quick_replies": quick_replies } data = json.dumps(request_payload) status =, headers=HEADER, data=data) return status
# Send API Templates
[docs]def post_button_template(fbid, text, buttons, sharable=True, messaging_type="RESPONSE", tag=None): """ Sends a button template with the specified text and buttons. Check the `docs <\ messenger-platform/send-api-reference/buttons>`_ to \ see the diffrent *types* of buttons. :usage: >>> # Set the user id and text to send with the template >>> fbid = "<user page scoped id>" >>> text = "Would you like to login?" >>> # Set the buttons list >>> buttons = [ { 'type': 'postback', 'title': 'Meh', 'payload': 'USER_DOESNT_WANT_LOGGIN' }, { 'type': 'web_url', 'url': '', 'title': "LOG ME IN" } ] >>> # Send the template >>> response = fbbotw.post_button_template( fbid=fbid, text=text, buttons=buttons ) :param str fbid: User id to send the buttons. :param str text: Message to be displayed with the buttons (640 Chars). :param list buttons: Dict of buttons that appear as call-to-actions, \ format : >>> buttons = [ { 'type': 'web_url', 'url': '', 'title': 'Show Website' }, { 'type': 'postback', 'title': 'Start Chatting', 'payload': 'USER_DEFINED_PAYLOAD' } { 'type': 'element_share', } ] :param bool sharable: Able/Disable native share button in Messenger \ for the template message (Default: True). :param str messaging_type: Identifies the message type from: RESPONSE,\ UPDATE AND MESSAGE_TAG (Default: RESPONSE, if MESSAGE_TAG, tag param \ is required) :param str tag: Tag classifying the message, must be one of the \ following `tags <\ platform/send-messages/message-tags#supported_tags>`_ :return: `Response object <\ master/api/#requests.Response>`_. :facebook docs: `/button-template <https://developers.facebook\ .com/docs/messenger-platform/send-api-reference/button-template>`_ """ url = MESSAGES_URL.format(access_token=PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN) data = dict() data['recipient'] = {'id': fbid} data['messaging_type'] = messaging_type if bool(tag) or messaging_type == "MESSAGE_TAG": data['tag'] = tag payload = dict() payload['template_type'] = 'button' payload['text'] = text payload['buttons'] = buttons if not sharable: payload['sharable'] = False attachment = {"type": 'template', "payload": payload} data['message'] = {"attachment": attachment} data = json.dumps(data) status =, headers=HEADER, data=data) return status
[docs]def post_generic_template(fbid, title, image_url=None, subtitle=None, buttons=None, default_action=None, sharable=True, image_aspect_ratio='horizontal', messaging_type="RESPONSE", tag=None): """ Sends a single generic template for the specified User :usage: >>> # This function sends only one element of a generic template >>> # You can set the user id, the template title, image, subtitle >>> # buttons and other parameers just by the function >>> fbid = "<user page scoped id>" >>> buttons = [ { 'type': 'web_url', 'url': '', 'title': 'View Website' }, { 'type': 'postback', 'title': 'Start Chatting', 'payload': 'DEVELOPER_DEFINED_PAYLOAD' } ] >>> # Send the template >>> response = fbbotw.post_generic_template( fbid=fbid, title="This is a generic template", image_url="", buttons=buttons, image_aspect_ratio='square' ) :param str fbid: User id to send the generic template. :param str title: Bubble title (80 Chars). :param str image_url: Bubble image (Optional)(Ratio 1.91:1). :param str subtitle: Bubble subtitle (Optional)(80 Chars). :param dict default_action: Default action to be triggered \ when user taps on the element. See the `docs <https://develo\\ /generic-template#default_action>`_ for reference (Optional). :param list buttons: (Optional)(Max 3) format : >>> buttons = [ { 'type': 'web_url', 'url': '', 'title': 'View Website' }, { 'type': 'postback', 'title': 'Start Chatting', 'payload': 'DEVELOPER_DEFINED_PAYLOAD' } ] :param bool sharable: Able/Disable native share button in Messenger \ for the template message (Default: True). :param str image_aspect_ratio: Aspect ratio used to render images \ specified by image_url in element objects. Must be 'horizontal' or \ 'square'. (Default 'horizontal') :param str messaging_type: Identifies the message type from: RESPONSE,\ UPDATE AND MESSAGE_TAG (Default: RESPONSE, if MESSAGE_TAG, tag param \ is required) :param str tag: Tag classifying the message, must be one of the \ following `tags <\ platform/send-messages/message-tags#supported_tags>`_ :return: `Response object <\ master/api/#requests.Response>`_ :facebook docs: `/generic-template <https://developers.facebook\ .com/docs/messenger-platform/send-api-reference/generic-template>`_ """ url = MESSAGES_URL.format(access_token=PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN) data = dict() data['recipient'] = {'id': fbid} data['messaging_type'] = messaging_type if bool(tag) or messaging_type == "MESSAGE_TAG": data['tag'] = tag payload = dict() payload['template_type'] = 'generic' if not sharable: payload['sharable'] = False if image_aspect_ratio != 'horizontal': payload['image_aspect_ratio'] = 'square' payload['elements'] = [] element = dict() element['title'] = title if bool(image_url): element['image_url'] = image_url if bool(subtitle): element['subtitle'] = subtitle if bool(buttons): element['buttons'] = buttons if bool(default_action): element['default_action'] = default_action payload['elements'].append(element) attachment = {"type": 'template', "payload": payload} data['message'] = {"attachment": attachment} data = json.dumps(data) status =, headers=HEADER, data=data) return status
[docs]def post_generic_template_carousel(fbid, elements, sharable=True, image_aspect_ratio='horizontal', messaging_type="RESPONSE", tag=None): """ Sends up to 10 generic template elements as a carousel. :usage: >>> # Set the user to receive generic templates >>> fbid = "<user page scoped id>" >>> # Build the elements list >>> elements = [ { "title": "Title Texts", "item_url": "", "subtitle": "Subtitle Text", "default_action": { "type": "web_url", "url": "", } "buttons": [ { 'type': 'web_url', 'url': '', 'title': 'My button' } ], "image_url": "" }, # ... You can insert up to 10 elements in the list ] >>> # Send the carousel >>> response = fbbotw.post_generic_template_carousel( fbid=fbid, elements=elements ) :param str fbid: User to be messaged :param list elements: generic templates `elements <https://deve\\ generic-template#element>`_ (Max 10 itens). format: >>> elements = [ { "title": "Title Texts", "item_url": "", "subtitle": "Subtitle Text", "default_action": { "type": "web_url", "url": "", } "buttons": [ { 'type': 'web_url', 'url': '', 'title': 'My button' } ], "image_url": "" } ] :param bool sharable: Able/Disable native share button in Messenger \ for the template message (Default: True). :param str image_aspect_ratio: Aspect ratio used to render images \ specified by image_url in element objects. Must be 'horizontal' or \ 'square'. (Default 'horizontal') :param str messaging_type: Identifies the message type from: RESPONSE,\ UPDATE AND MESSAGE_TAG (Default: RESPONSE, if MESSAGE_TAG, tag param \ is required) :param str tag: Tag classifying the message, must be one of the \ following `tags <\ platform/send-messages/message-tags#supported_tags>`_ :return: `Response object <\ master/api/#requests.Response>`_ :facebook docs: `/generic-template <https://developers.facebook\ .com/docs/messenger-platform/send-api-reference/generic-template>`_ """ url = MESSAGES_URL.format(access_token=PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN) data = dict() data['recipient'] = {'id': fbid} data['messaging_type'] = messaging_type if bool(tag) or messaging_type == "MESSAGE_TAG": data['tag'] = tag payload = dict() payload['template_type'] = 'generic' payload['elements'] = elements if not sharable: payload['sharable'] = False if image_aspect_ratio != 'horizontal': payload['image_aspect_ratio'] = 'square' attachment = {"type": 'template', "payload": payload} data['message'] = {"attachment": attachment} data = json.dumps(data) status =, headers=HEADER, data=data) return status
[docs]def post_list_template(fbid, elements, buttons=None, top_element_style='large', sharable=True, messaging_type="RESPONSE", tag=None): """ Sends a list template for the specified User :param str fbid: User id to send the list template. :param str top_element_style: large/compact (Default 'large'). :param list elements: List view elements (Max 4/Min 2 elements), \ format : >>> elements = [{ 'title': 'Classic Gray T-Shirt', 'image_url': '', 'subtitle': '100% Cotton, 200% Comfortable', 'default_action': { 'type': 'web_url', 'url': '', 'messenger_extensions': true, 'webview_height_ratio': 'tall', 'fallback_url': '' }, 'buttons': [ { 'title': 'Buy', 'type': 'web_url', 'url': '', 'messenger_extensions': true, 'webview_height_ratio': 'tall', 'fallback_url': '' } ] }] :param list buttons: List of buttons associated on the list \ template message (Max 1). format : >>> buttons = [ { 'title': 'View More', 'type': 'postback', 'payload': 'payload' } ] :param bool sharable: Able/Disable native share button in Messenger \ for the template message (Default: True). :param str messaging_type: Identifies the message type from: RESPONSE,\ UPDATE AND MESSAGE_TAG (Default: RESPONSE, if MESSAGE_TAG, tag param \ is required) :param str tag: Tag classifying the message, must be one of the \ following `tags <\ platform/send-messages/message-tags#supported_tags>`_ :return: `Response object <\ master/api/#requests.Response>`_ :facebook docs: `/list-template <https://developers.facebook\ .com/docs/messenger-platform/send-api-reference/list-template>`_ """ url = MESSAGES_URL.format(access_token=PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN) data = dict() data['recipient'] = {'id': fbid} data['messaging_type'] = messaging_type if bool(tag) or messaging_type == "MESSAGE_TAG": data['tag'] = tag payload = dict() payload['template_type'] = 'list' payload['top_element_style'] = top_element_style if bool(buttons): payload['buttons'] = buttons payload['elements'] = elements if not sharable: payload['sharable'] = False attachment = {"type": 'template', "payload": payload} data['message'] = {"attachment": attachment} data = json.dumps(data) status =, headers=HEADER, data=data) return status
[docs]def post_receipt_template(fbid, recipient_name, order_number, currency, payment_method, summary, merchant_name='', timestamp='', order_url='', elements=None, address=None, adjustments=None, sharable=True, messaging_type="RESPONSE", tag=None): """ Sends a receipt template for the specified user :param str fbid: User id to send the receipt template. :param str recipient_name: Recipient's name. :param str order_number: Unique order number. :param str currency: Currency for order. :param str payment_method: Payment method details. ex - "Visa 1234". :param dict summary: Payment summary, format : >>> summary = { "subtotal": 75.00, "shipping_cost": 4.95, "total_tax": 6.19, "total_cost": 56.14 } :param str merchant_name: Optional. The merchant's name. \ If present this is shown as logo text. :param str timestamp: Timestamp of the order, in seconds. :param str order_url: URL of order. :param list elements: Items in order (Max 100), format : >>> elements = [ { "title": "Classic White T-Shirt", "subtitle": "100% Soft and Luxurious Cotton", "quantity": 2, "price": 50, "currency": "USD", "image_url": "" }, { "title": "Classic Gray T-Shirt", "subtitle": "100% Soft and Luxurious Cotton", "quantity": 1, "price": 25, "currency": "USD", "image_url": "" } ], :param dict address: Shipping address (If order has shipping),\ format : >>> address = { "street_1": "1 Hacker Way", "street_2": "", "city": "Menlo Park", "postal_code": "94025", "state": "CA", "country": "US" } :param list adjustments: Payment adjustments, format : >>> adjustments = [ { "name":"New Customer Discount", "amount":20 }, { "name":"$10 Off Coupon", "amount":10 } ] :param bool sharable: Able/Disable native share button in Messenger \ for the template message (Default: True). :param str messaging_type: Identifies the message type from: RESPONSE,\ UPDATE AND MESSAGE_TAG (Default: RESPONSE, if MESSAGE_TAG, tag param \ is required) :param str tag: Tag classifying the message, must be one of the \ following `tags <\ platform/send-messages/message-tags#supported_tags>`_ :return: `Response object <\ master/api/#requests.Response>`_ :facebook docs: `/receipt-template <https://developers.facebook\ .com/docs/messenger-platform/send-api-reference/receipt-template>`_ """ url = MESSAGES_URL.format(access_token=PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN) data = dict() data['recipient'] = {'id': fbid} data['messaging_type'] = messaging_type if bool(tag) or messaging_type == "MESSAGE_TAG": data['tag'] = tag payload = dict() payload['template_type'] = 'receipt' payload['recipient_name'] = recipient_name payload['order_number'] = order_number payload['currency'] = currency payload['payment_method'] = payment_method payload['summary'] = summary if bool(order_url.strip()): payload['order_url'] = order_url if bool(timestamp.strip()): payload['timestamp'] = timestamp if bool(elements): payload['elements'] = elements if bool(address): payload['address'] = address if bool(adjustments): payload['adjustments'] = adjustments if bool(merchant_name): payload['merchant_name'] = merchant_name if not sharable: payload['sharable'] = False attachment = {"type": "template", "payload": payload} data['message'] = {"attachment": attachment} data = json.dumps(data) status =, headers=HEADER, data=data) return status
[docs]def post_media_template(fbid, elements, messaging_type="RESPONSE", tag=None): """ Sends a `media template <\ docs/messenger-platform/send-messages/template/media>`_ \ to the specified user :param str fbid: User id to send the media template. :param list elements: :param str messaging_type: Identifies the message type from: RESPONSE,\ UPDATE AND MESSAGE_TAG (Default: RESPONSE, if MESSAGE_TAG, tag param \ is required). :param str tag: Tag classifying the message, must be one of the \ following `tags <\ platform/send-messages/message-tags#supported_tags>`_ :return: `Response object <\ master/api/#requests.Response>`_ :facebook docs: `/receipt-template <https://developers.facebook\ .com/docs/messenger-platform/send-api-reference/receipt-template>`_ """ url = MESSAGES_URL.format(access_token=PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN) data = dict() data['recipient'] = {'id': fbid} data['messaging_type'] = messaging_type if bool(tag) or messaging_type == "MESSAGE_TAG": data['tag'] = tag attachment = dict() attachment['type'] = 'template' attachment['payload'] = { 'template_type': 'media', 'elements': elements } data['message'] = {'attachment': attachment} data = json.dumps(data) status =, headers=HEADER, data=data) return status
[docs]def post_call_button(fbid, text, title, phone_number, messaging_type="RESPONSE", tag=None): """ Sends a call button for the specified user. The Call Button can be used to initiate a phone call on mobile. :usage: >>> # Set the user to send the button >>> fbid = "<user page scoped id>" >>> # Set text and title of the template >>> response = fbbotw.post_call_button( fbid=fbid, text="Do you call an consultant?" title="Call now", phone_number="+112345678" ) :param str fbid: User id to send the call button :param str text: Text to send with the button (Max 160 Chars). :param str title: Button title (Max 20 Chars). :param str phone_number: Format must have "+" prefix followed by\ the country code, area code and local number.\ For example, **+16505551234**. :param str messaging_type: Identifies the message type from: RESPONSE,\ UPDATE AND MESSAGE_TAG (Default: RESPONSE, if MESSAGE_TAG, tag param \ is required) :param str tag: Tag classifying the message, must be one of the \ following `tags <\ platform/send-messages/message-tags#supported_tags>`_ :return: `Response object <\ master/api/#requests.Response>`_ :facebook docs: `/call-button <https://developers.facebook\ .com/docs/messenger-platform/send-api-reference/call-button>`_ """ url = MESSAGES_URL.format(access_token=PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN) data = dict() data['recipient'] = {'id': fbid} data['messaging_type'] = messaging_type if bool(tag) or messaging_type == "MESSAGE_TAG": data['tag'] = tag payload = dict() payload['template_type'] = 'button' payload['text'] = text button = dict() button['type'] = 'phone_number' button['title'] = title button['payload'] = phone_number payload['buttons'] = [button] attachment = {"type": "template", "payload": payload} data['message'] = {"attachment": attachment} data = json.dumps(data) status =, headers=HEADER, data=data) return status