
fbbotw.get_user_information(fbid, extra_fields=[])[source]

Gets user basic information: first_name, last_name, gender, profile_pic, locale, timezone

>>> # Set the user fbid you want the information
>>> fbid = "<user fbid>"
>>> # Call the function passing the fbid of user.
>>> user_information = fbbotw.get_user_information(fbid=fbid)
  • fbid (str) – User id to get the information.
  • extra_fields (list) – Extra fields that your app is allowed to request. eg. ‘locale’, ‘timezone’, ‘gender’
Return dict:
>>> user_information = {
    "id": "user_id",
    "name": "User Full Name",
    "first_name": "User First Name",
    "last_name": "User Last Name",
    "profile_pic": "https://cdn_to_pic.com/123",
Facebook docs:
